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Erasing the unconcealable traces of time
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Do you know which area is often neglected yet easily seen? It’s the neck. To be precise, the creases. on. your. neck.
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If you focus on facial care while ignoring the deep-set neck lines, no matter how flawless your make-up skills are, you cannot conceal the traces of time.
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The prominent cause of neck lines is photoaging due to UV rays.
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The skin on your neck is relatively thin, and with little sebaceous glands, the dryness accelerates wrinkling. In addition, there are not enough muscles to maintain the tightness of the skin. Also, compared to the skin of your face, it is sensitive to UV rays, and the collagen and elastin that gives tightness to your skin can get easily destroyed, causing the neck lines to set in. Neck lines are commonly perceived as a sign of aging, but the causes vary depending on how it looks.
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Causes of neck lines according to the appearance
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Horizontal neck lines are usually caused by lifestyle or habits, not aging. Your posture and behavior may develop these neck lines. Those who have inattentive habits may develop deep neck lines even before reaching their 20s. Horizontal neck lines form because of excessive use of smartphones, where we bend our necks and look down for long periods of time. The "tech neck" posture of tilting the head forward causes creases at the back of the neck as well. Using a high-loft pillow is another factor. For an average sleep time of 5~7 hours, you are practically in the same posture as bending your neck down, which may cause neck lines. Vertical neck lines are formed after the 50s when collagen production diminishes and the skin loses elasticity. The vertical neck lines caused by aging may become a factor of soreness in the neck muscles, and the skin dropping can make you look older than your actual age.
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How can we prevent neck lines?
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Do not use a high-loft pillow.
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A high-loft pillow may cause horizontal neck lines, disturbing blood circulation and keeping the neck muscles tense for several hours. A suitable pillow would be in level with the body.
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Avoid Sleeping on your Stomach
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An arched neck may cause wrinkles to set in. In addition, excessive tension on the skin of the neck would accelerate the aging of the skin.
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Maintaining a Good Posture
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The last method to prevent neck lines! Maintain good posture at all times. Try to keep your back straight, and do not get into the habit of looking down at your smartphone with your head hanging of resting your chin.
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UV rays are a major factor of skin aging. You must apply sunscreen and moisturizing or nourishing cream on your neck as well. Before and after pregnancy or going on a diet, neck lines may set in due to rapid body weight changes, so it is recommended to use skincare products for the neck.
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Thorough Cleansing
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Dead skin cells may accumulate on your neck if you fail to cleanse thoroughly. This can lead to skin aging that causes the wrinkles. Therefore, when washing your face, you must make sure to cleanse your neck with a mild cleanser as well and rinse. When taking a bath, it is best not to apply too much pressure on the skin.
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Neck Massage
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Same as the skin of your face, a regular massage will benefit the elasticity of the skin of your neck. Use lotion or oil to massage your neck. Try massaging in an upward motion starting from your collarbone to the chin. If your shoulder muscles are tense, there are higher chances of wrinkles setting in. With both hands, massage around the lymph nodes in circling motion using your index and middle fingers. The massage also has the effect of relieving fatigue.
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Wrap around your neck with two hands, and starting from the lower part of your neck, gently rub towards the back of your ears using both sides of your hands. Repeat 20 times. It is important to form a good habit because you can prevent neck lines simply by tilting your neck sideways or backward from time to time.
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