Terms of use


It is judged that the terms and conditions of ‘Korea Skin Mall’ were read and agreed as follows.

Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Agreement is to prescribe matters concerning the rights, obligations and use of Internet-related services provided by the website “k-skinmall.com” operated by “Dotmate”.

Article 2 (Definitions)

  1. The term “Dotmate” means a virtual business establishment that enables a business operator to trade goods or services using an information and communications facility, such as a computer, in order to provide goods or services to users, and is also used for the meaning of a business operator operating “k-skinmall.com.”
  2. The term “user” means a member or non-members who access “k-skinmall.com” and receive services provided by “k-skinmall.com” under this Agreement.
  3. The term “member” means a person who has registered as a member by providing personal information to “k-skinmall.com” and who is continuously provided with information from “k-skinmall.com” and who can continue to use the services provided by “shopping malls”.
  4. The term “non-member” means a person who does not join the membership and uses the service provided by “k-skinmall.com”.

Article 3 (statement and amendment of the terms and conditions)

  1. “k-skinmall.com” shall be posted on the initial service screen (front) of the site so that users can know the contents and trade name of this Agreement, the location of the place of business, the name of the representative, the business registration number, the contact number (telephone, e-mail address, etc.)
  2. “k-skinmall.com” may amend this Agreement to the extent that it does not violate relevant laws, such as the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Framework Act on Electronic Trade, the Electronic Signing Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization, the Act on the Promotion of Door-to-door Sales, and the Consumer Protection Act.
  3. When “k-skinmall.com” amends the terms and conditions, it shall be notified on the initial page of the website along with the current terms and conditions, specifying the date of application and the reason for revision.
  4. If “k-skinmall.com” amends the terms and conditions, the terms and conditions shall apply only to contracts entered into after the date of their application, and the terms and conditions before the amendment shall apply to contracts already concluded before that date. However, if a user who has already signed a contract sends his/her wish to be subject to the amended terms and conditions to the “shopping mall” within the notice period of the amended terms and conditions under paragraph (3) and obtains the consent of the “shopping mall”, the amended terms and conditions shall apply.
  5. Matters not prescribed in this Agreement and the interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by the government-established guidelines for electronic transaction consumer protection and related statutes or regulations.

Article 4 (Providing and Changing Services)

  1. “k-skinmall.com” shall:
    – Provide information about goods or services and conclude a purchase contract
    – the delivery of goods or services to which a purchase contract has been signed.
    – Other tasks determined by “k-skinmall.com”
  2. “k-skinmall.com” may change the contents of goods and services to be provided under future contracts, such as sold-out goods or technical specifications. In such cases, the details of the changed goods and services and the due date shall be specified, and the details of the current goods and services shall be notified from the 7th, before the due date.
  3. If the contents of services contracted with users provided by “k-skinmall.com” are changed due to a shortage of goods or changes in technical specifications, “k-skinmall.com” shall compensate users for damages caused by such changes. Provided, That this shall not apply where there is no intention or negligence in “k-skinmall.com”.
  4. Korea Skin Mall Points are available at Korea Skin Mall, and points cannot be refunded in cash.

Article 5 (discontinuation of service)

  1. “k-skinmall.com” may temporarily suspend the provision of services in the event of maintenance inspection, replacement, failure, or failure of telecommunication facilities, such as computers.
  2. In the event of a service interruption under paragraph (1), “k-skinmall.com” shall notify the user in the manner prescribed in Article 8.
  3. “k-skinmall.com” shall compensate users or third parties for damages caused by temporary suspension of service provision due to the reasons referred to in paragraph 1. However, this shall not apply where “k-skinmall.com” does not have intention or negligence.

Article 6 (membership registration)

  1. The user applies for membership by expressing his/her consent to this Agreement after entering the membership information according to the subscription form set by “k-skinmall.com”.
  2. “k-skinmall.com” shall be registered as a member of any of the users who apply for membership as described in paragraph (1) unless they fall under any of the following:
    – Where an applicant for membership has previously lost his/her membership pursuant to Article 7 (3) of this Agreement: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply where he/she has obtained approval for membership of “k-skinmall.com” after three years have elapsed since the loss of his/her membership under Article 7 (3).
    – Where there is a false, omitted entry or omission in the registration;
    – Where it is deemed that registering as a other member is significantly detrimental to the technology of “k-skinmall.com”
  3. The sign-up contract shall be signed at the time when the consent of “k-skinmall.com” has reached the member.
  4. The member shall immediately notify “k-skinmall.com” of any change in the registration under Article 15 (1) by e-mail or other means.

Article 7 (withdrawal of members, loss of qualifications, etc.)

  1. Members may request withdrawal from “k-skinmall.com” at any time, and “k-skinmall.com” will immediately process the withdrawal.
  2. If a member falls under any of the following reasons, “k-skinmall.com” may restrict or suspend his/her membership.
    – If false information is registered at the time of applying for a subscription
    – In the case that the member fails to pay the member’s liability in connection with the payment of goods, services, etc. purchased using “k-skinmall.com” or other use of “k-skinmall.com” on the due date;
    – Threatening the electronic transaction order, such as interfering with other people’s use of “k-skinmall.com” or stealing that information;
    – In the case of using “k-skinmall.com” to prohibit the Act and these Terms and Conditions or to engage in acts contrary to the public stream;
  3. If “k-skinmall.com” restricts or suspends membership and the same act is repeated more than once or the reason is not corrected within 30 days, “k-skinmall.com” may lose its membership.
  4. If “k-skinmall.com” loses its membership, cancels its membership. In this case, the member will be notified and given the opportunity to explain before the cancellation of membership registration.

Article 8 (Notices to Members)

  1. If “k-skinmall.com” notifies a member, it may be the e-mail address submitted by the member to “k-skinmall.com”.
  2. “k-skinmall.com” may be substituted for individual notices by posting them on the “k-skinmall.com” bulletin board for more than a week in case of notification to an unspecified number of members.

Article 9 (Application for Purchase)

The user of “k-skinmall.com” applies for the purchase in the following manner on “k-skinmall.com”.
Country name, name, password, phone number, phone number, address, E-MAIL input, select goods or services, select payment method
A sign that you agree to this Agreement (e.g., click the mouse)

Article 10 (Constitution Formation)

  1. “k-skinmall.com” accepts an application for purchase as specified in Article 9, unless it falls under any of the following:
    -Where there are false, omitted entries, or omissions in the application;
    -Where a minor purchases goods and services prohibited by the Juvenile Protection Act, such as tobacco and alcohol;
    -Where it is deemed that accepting other purchase applications is significantly detrimental to the technology of “k-skinmall.com”
  2. The contract shall be deemed to have been concluded when the approval of “k-skinmall.com” reaches the user in the form of a receipt notification under Article 12 paragraph 1.

Article 11 (Payment method of payment)

Payment methods for goods or services purchased at “k-skinmall.com” may be as follows:

  1. Credit card payment (Paypal)
  2. Payment by points given by “Korea Skin Mall” such as Korea Skin Mall Point

Article 12 (change and cancel receipt confirmation mail/ purchase request)

  1. “k-skinmall.com” notifies the user of receipt confirmation when the user requests a purchase.
  2. A user who has received a receipt confirmation notice can request a change or cancellation of the purchase request immediately after receiving the receipt confirmation notice if there is a discrepancy in the expression.
  3. “k-skinmall.com” shall be processed prior to delivery in accordance with the user’s request to change or cancel the purchase request.

Article 13 (Delivery)

“k-skinmall.com” specifies the means of delivery, the person responsible for the delivery of goods purchased by the user, the period of delivery by means, etc.
If “k-skinmall.com” intentionally or mistakenly exceeds the agreed delivery period, the user shall be indemnified for damages.

Article 14 (refund, return, exchange)

  1. “k-skinmall.com” shall notify the user of the reasons for not being able to deliver goods or services for which the user has applied for purchase due to a lack of goods or services without delay and terminate the contract within seven or seven days from the date of prepayment. the occurrence of such goods or services.
  2. “k-skinmall.com” shall, in any of the following cases, immediately refund, refund or exchange the goods within the following business days after receipt of the goods: However, the deadline for the request is within 20 days of the deadline.
    -The delivered product is different from the order or information provided by “k-skinmall.com”
    -The goods delivered were damaged, damaged or contaminated.
  3. Refunds are at the discretion of the company and are limited to the amount of orders in dispute. By default, refunds will be made using the same payment method used at the time of purchase unless otherwise specified by the customer.
    -Refunds will be made within 5 to 15 business days.

Article 15 (User’s Duty)

The user shall not take any of the following actions.

  1. Registration of false information when applying or changing
  2. Change the information posted on “k-skinmall.com”
  3. Send or publish information other than the information specified by “k-skinmall.com” (such as computer programs)
  4. Infringement of intellectual property rights, such as “k-skinmall.com” and other third-party copyrights
  5. “k-skinmall.com” defame or impede the work of another third party.
  6. Disclosing or posting obscene or violent messages, images, voices or other information to the public on Web sites.
  7. Images and contents provided by this “k-skinmall.com” are copyrighted in Korean skin malls and cannot be re-distributed or redistributed through programs or other means without written consent.

Article 16 (Restrictions on the attribution and use of copyrights)

  1. Copyright and other intellectual property rights to works made by “k-skinmall.com” shall be attributed to “k-skinmall.com”.
  2. A user shall not use information obtained using “k-skinmall.com” for profit or use it to a third party without prior consent from “k-skinmall.com”.

Article 17 (Dispute Resolution)

  1. “k-skinmall.com” establishes and operates a damage compensation device to reflect legitimate opinions or complaints raised by users and to compensate for such damages.
  2. “k-skinmall.com” deals with complaints and comments submitted by the user first. However, if it is difficult to expedite the process, we will notify the user of the reason and schedule immediately.
  3. Disputes between “k-skinmall.com” and users may be adjusted by the Electronic Trade Dispute Mediation Committee established pursuant to Article 28 of the Framework Act on Electronic Trade and Article 15 of the Enforcement Decree.

Article 18 (Trial Rights and Governance Act)A lawsuit concerning an electronic transaction dispute between k-skinmall.com and users shall be filed with the competent court under the Civil Procedure Act of the Republic of Korea.

Korean law applies to electronic transaction lawsuits filed between “k-skinmall.com” and users.

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